真鍋淑郎氏の会見発言、英語の原文は? 「同調圧力」や教育問題を明快な表現で指摘

記者 日本では「頭脳流出」が大きな問題になっています。アメリカ政府から大きな支援があったとおっしゃっていましたが、日本の大学や研究機関の研究環境の改善策についてご意見をお聞かせ下さい。
My question is a little bit more serious. In Japan, brain drain is currently a major problem. You mentioned earlier at home the U.S government has given you a lot of support. What are your thoughts on how to improve in the environment of universities and research institutes in Japan?
真鍋 それは深い質問ですね。私は教育には詳しくありませんが、最近の日本における研究は、以前にくらべて好奇心に駆られた研究が少なくなってきているように思いました。
That’s a profound question. And also I'm not much of an educator. But I thought that recently, Japanese research, I think they are doing less and less curiosity-driven research than before.
And I really hope that they would think how to improve Japanese education now. And I think the way scientists something advise decision-maker in Japan, this channel between scientists and policymakers……They are not communicating with each other. And I think the US is doing much better with the National Academy of Science, which is advising the government very effectively.
And I think that they should think about more how decision-makers and research scientists communicate with each other. that is what I think.
記者 日本からアメリカに国籍を変えた主な理由を教えて下さい。なぜあなたは国籍を変えたのですか?
Can you tell me what is the main reason for you to change your nationality from Japan to the United States? Why did you change your nationality?
真鍋 面白い質問です。日本では人々はいつも他人を邪魔しないようお互いに気遣っています。
That’s interesting question, but in Japan people always worry about not to disturb each other. You know, they have a very harmonious relationship. And this is one of the important reasons why Japanese people get along so well with each other.
You know, they keep thinking other people, don’t do something which disturb other people. In the U.S., in Japan, if you ask some questions you get answer “Yes”, or “No”. When Japanese say “Yes”, it does not necessarily mean “Yes”, it could be “No”. Because they don’t want to hurt other people’s feeling much more than anything else. And so, you don’t want to do anything which is disturbing to other people.
And U.S. I can do things that I want like. I don’t worry too much about what other people feel. Because as a matter of fact, I don’t want to hurt other people’s feeling, but I’m not observing enough other people to figure out what they think. I found living in the U.S is wonderful!
And probably research scientists like me, I can do whatever I please in my research.
My boss was generous enough to let me do anything I want to do. And he, as a matter of fact, he got all computer expenditure.
I never wrote single research proposal in my life. So I got all computer I want to use, and do whatever I pleases. So that is one reason why I don’t want to go back to Japan, because I’m not capable of living harmoniously.